Happily Ever After

Beis Rivkah Graduates of 2004

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Crime Scene

Now how's this for a crime scene?

Nechama's Closet

I was asked to post this. Be kind- read it and help out!
ESTHER EVENINGS 718 756 3726


Does Everthing Really Happen For A Reason?
They say everything happens for a reason. Are the reasons always apparent to us? Sometimes I just stand in confusion and say why me! I really do try to believe that things happen for a purpose but there are so many situations that it is just hard to look at things and say wow that was so horrible but there is most definitely a reason that has happened to me. Like if someones house were to go up in flames- honestly should they say "wow look at that fire, let's roast marshmallows." I dunno it 'aint so simple for me to see the positive side in every situation. I'm not an optomist, I love trying to think that everything is gr8 and wonderful and positive. Is e/t really supposed to be good? I ponder on the expression 'Think good and it will be good'.
Sometimes things happen and I just wonder if G-d is sitting and laughing and saying 'Ha, who should i bother today!'
I have this nice looking red chevy blazer. Comfortable seats, drives relatively well. Well you know they say looks can be deceiving.The gas gage is broken so I have no idea when my gas is empty. An hr. and 15 minutes b/4 shabbos I'm at the bank, I come out to start my car and it won't start. 1 hr. 5 minutes b/4 shabbos I walk to the corner to the gas station to fill up a gas container-gas station only takes cash I only had a credit card so 55 minutes b/4 shabbos I call someone to ask him if there is another gas station somewhere nearby, he tells me he'll just come pick me up, 45 mintues b/4 shabbos he picks me up & gives me cash, 40 minutes b/4 shabbos I fill up the gas container (which spills everywhere because the story wouldn't be complete if it all worked out perfectly) 30 minutes b/4 shabbos we drive back 2 the bank fill the car with gas, 25 minutes b/4 shabbos we start it and it still won't start gonna jump it but... 20 minutes b/4 shabbos the lever I had to pull to pop the hood was broken so the hood wouldn't pop, 15 minutes b/4 shabbos we try banging the hood and doing all sourts of things to try and get it open. 10 minutes b/4 shabbos we decide to just leave the car and go home. (G-d bless the 18 minutes.) So i thought to myself hmm there must be something good in that situation, then when the rest of the story happened I decided to give up finding s/t positive and figured I'd share this with you and maybe you can help me out.
So after Shabbos I go out with friends and on the way back go to the bank to pick up my car. I get there- the window is smashed and the car is a total disaster zone- everything in the car was pulled apart, emptied out, turned upside down. Well, nothing was taken. That confused me- why destroy e/t, at least empty it and take it so I don't have to clean up after your mess ya know!
So there's glass and blood ( from braking the window) all over. Try start the car again- no hope. Drive to the police department tell them what happened they say they'll come with us back to the bank to try and get the car to start. (I'd like to give a shout out to the Amberly Police Department, they are gr8 and really helpful, unlike N.Y police who get payed inorder to keep Duncan Doughnuts in business) So he comes with us, of course it starts raining just becuase why jump start a car when it's not raining out? Electricty usually flows wonderfully with a little bit of water doesn't it!
Let's remember the hood doesn't open- so I tell the cop that the hood has some issues and he's banging it- no luck. I walk over there stick my hand under find some kinda little notch click it and it pops open- with a big smile on my face I say "Uh the power of a women", he laughs and says "yup, don't tell anyone I'm saying this but I'm impressed! Definitely the power of a women"
He tries to jump start it and I'll let you all guess if it worked. NO!
So I gave him a bag of cookies just to be nice and we decide to just leave the car and worry tomorrow. I locked my doors b/4 I left just incase someone else decided to break in. As if locking the doors would make a difference, with a broken window (which will do great with the rain- if our car is still there when we get to it tomorrow we'll be wearing bathing suits to work being that our car will probably be below sea level due to the rain storm that should be hitting tonight)
So after all my years of learning that you should think positively, everyting happens for the good etc. I'm kinda stumped. Anyone out there with simular situations? Does everything really happen for a reason or is it just G-d's way of saying 'I'm bored let's have some entertainment for a change'

After my car was broken into.
It's gr8 that we're both smiling!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I'd like to publicly announce that i got 3 more people against my answering maching, so i decided to make a formal voting spot on this blog, For all those in favor say I!

Vote Today!

I am taking a pole- please join in and vote!
On a scale from 1 to 10 how cute is this baby?
1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest!
Happy Voting!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Appreciate Life
I've encountered some things this past weekend that really got me thinking and made me realize how much I have in my life, and that I should realize how lucky I am.
2 people ate at the table with me-
1) A women.
2) A 10 year old girl.
Now reading that seems like nothing out of the ordinary but I've learned a lot from both of them and I'd like to share what I've learned.
Let me ellaberate-
The women is divorced, she has a full time job and only partial custody of her daughter. She has a really busy work life and when she is home it's just her and sometimes her daughter. No sitting down for family dinners after a long day at work. After all she's gone through in her life she sat at our table with a smile on her face. She explained to me that it is hard the situation that she is in but she had to do what she felt was best for her and her daughter.
The 10 year old girl has a problem that she can not eat. She has feeding tubes (which are not visable so at first glance she looks like anyone else) She has to feed herself using tubes a few times a day and can only eat very few foods through her mouth.
What i learned from the women is that sometimes we are in hard situations, things happen and we have to deal with them in the appropriate manner- we must realize that when hardships come up in life, think many times before making a final decision, many decisions that you will make will be life long decisions that once they are made there is no turning back. Be careful with the choices you make and watch out before commiting yourself to anything.
The 10 year old girl sat at the table with a smile on her face while everyone ate. All the other kids were screaming that they wanted dessert and she just sat and watched- she had no need to scream for it because she couldn't have it. Stop for a second and think about how much you loved snack time in school, dessert at any meal, going to the candy store- this child did not have any such desires because there is nothing she can do with them. Yet through all of that she sat with the biggest smile on her face.
How many times do we get upset about things that are not worth getting upset about, how many times do we ask for things that we 'need' and we can really live without , and how many times do we say things to people not realizing what those words can do.
Stop and look at your surroundings. Realize how lucky you are for who you are and what you have.
Whatever you feel you are lacking in your life, there are most certaintly many people who have a lot less than you do.
Be happy with who you are and what you have.
Smile, thank G-d and appreciate what you were given!
Happiness is contagious - try your hardest to be a carier.

Chanchy's Nephew

N.Y Sky

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


L'Chaim 2


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Winter Camp in Cali.

Winter Camp in Cali.

Rivky G. sis lchaim

Thursday, January 12, 2006

G-d's Power

If G-d is all powerful is he capable of creating a rock so heavy that he can't lift it?
A great question to ponder on!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mashie wedding

Mashie asked me to please post an invite to her wedding on the blog and she'd really like to see you all there.
If there is anyone who does not check this blog but should be invited please give over the message.
With gratitude to Hashem we take great pleasure inviting you to join us in celebrating the marriage of our dear children
Mashie Bluming
Yossi Slavaticki
Monday, Rosh Chodesh Shevat, 5766
The thirtieth of January, 2006
Kabolas Ponim at five o'clock in the evening
Oholei Menachem Ballroom
Chupah at six o'clock inthe evening
Lubavitch World Headquarters
Dinner following Chupah at Oholei Menachem

Monday, January 09, 2006

Free Choice

Free Choice
God created the world and he has the knowledge to know everything that is, was and will be. Where is our free choice? If G-d knows what will be then therefore we can not change what G-d already knows will happen. At times we speak of G-d as we speak of ourselfs- someone who lives in a world of time- a world of past, present, and future. We must understand that this is not so - G-d lives in a timeless world where today, yesterday and tomorrow are all one. If we make a choice today, comes tomorrow we can not change the choice we made today. We can make a new choice but yesterdays choice remains. G-d knows what choice we will make tomorrow because everthing in reference to time is one entity- time means nothing and has no limits. A fortune teller who is telling someone their future will take themselvs out of today and put themslevs into tomorrow in order to see what will happen tomorrow. G-d is the same way he is in today, tomorrow and yesterday all at the same time.
To further explain how we do have free choice and we do make our own decisions, When you are watching a movie, how are you able to sit and watch the movie in your house? There is a producer who takes all his ideas and puts them down on paper. Once all the ideas are on paper he choses and decides exactly which parts he wants to keep and which parts he wants to remove. When he is finished making all his correct choices he will then put the script into reality and make the movie. When it comes to creating and running the world G-d is the producer, he decides what to do,when to do it. When it comes to free choice we are the producers, we decide how we want our life to run, we make the choices and the decisions. G-d is the viewer, he is sitting and watching the movie. But he is not watching the movie for the first time, he is watching it for the second time. When he sits down to watch it he knows what will happen next because he saw it already. He only knows what our choice is going to be because he saw it already. We make the choices and decisions. You produce your life. G-d is watching. Go out there and make wise choices and right decisions.

Take my breath away

LIFE is not measured by the number of breaths we take-
but by the moments that take our breath away.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy Everything

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Mathamatical Equation

What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%.
How about achieving 103%?
What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
If:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
Then:H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
andK-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96 %
But,A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100 %
And,B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103 %
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that While Hard work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit that will put you over the top!