Happily Ever After

Beis Rivkah Graduates of 2004

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hey everyone,

Whoever would like to send in money for Devorah Leah Lezell's shower should either email Chavie



mail it to:

Chavie Freund
430 Crown St.
Brooklyn, NY 11225


  • At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thnx mir. I can always count on you:)

    seriously guys, it says if you give Tzedakah towards hachnosos kallah, you are zoche to meet your beloved soon.

    so come on, all you singles out there--send in the paychecks..

  • At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    is there gonna be a party?

  • At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes there will be.
    [mind I ask what is so shameful about that question that you needed the anonymity.] I'll post the details later on this week.

    Stay tuned.

    you can always email me.


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