Happily Ever After

Beis Rivkah Graduates of 2004

Thursday, January 12, 2006

G-d's Power

If G-d is all powerful is he capable of creating a rock so heavy that he can't lift it?
A great question to ponder on!


  • At 1:09 AM, Blogger CET said…

    G-d only gives us challenges that we can handle i would assume he would only create things that he can handle too.

  • At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i totally agree..this isnt even a question

  • At 11:08 PM, Blogger CET said…

    It is a question that someone asked me and i am forewarding it. and i was told that there is a lot of thinking involved and there is an answer.

  • At 11:44 PM, Blogger CET said…

    True true that is.
    Well i actualy had a long convo. bout this with someone at our shabbos table. I also thought it was nothing to think about but it seems that is a question that has been out there for a long time.
    It was asked to a few people in my community- A lubavitcher Rabbi, a misnaged rabbi, and a guy who learns in the kolel here
    and each of them had a different answer so obviously it is a question that has some kinda answer.
    Well basically whatever answer you come up with the answer won't work- if you say yes he can create s/t that he can't lift then you are saying that g-d can not do s/t. If you say that he can't create it then again you are saying that he cannot do s/t. So that's what i got out of it, but it seemed there was more to an answer. The rabbi who ate with us walked out of the house saying "hmm so can g-d make a rock..." and he said he realy has to think bout it.
    There has to be s/t deeper.

  • At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    omg this only makes me more happy 2 know how lucky we are that we have chassidus.chassidus dosnt give us
    more "god knowlage" it helps us understand how much we dont know bc
    if our mind is limited how can it
    ever undrestand s/t wich is unlimited? so yes in the question is the answer
    god can create a stone that he cant lift AND LIFT IT! this shows how great
    god is and no we cant understand.
    sometimes we have 2 go out of out little box and realize we
    are only a small dot on a big grid,but still chassidus tells us the amazing potential of that small dot and we can actually bring moshiach now and fulfill the ultimate purpose of creation when the light of god will b revealed here on this sick world and we will
    make a home 4 him down here. for more info check ur chassidus library.
    p.s. if u have any more questions just post it and ill try to find something.

  • At 11:47 PM, Blogger CET said…

    One other thaught- G-d did limit himself already- just by allowing us into this world- the whole idea of tzimtzum- that is already limiting him- he is not here in his full glory b/c he had to make room for us so he can't be all powerful.
    That's kinda random and doesn't sound all that there but yeh!

  • At 12:17 AM, Blogger CET said…

    Well written mr. dot! I like that- that G-d can make a rock that he can't lift and lift it- that is gr8! And it's true we all think that we are just a small dot and can't make a difference but we surely can!

  • At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thats the point we cant understand bc our minds are limited and god isnt. and the fact that he is unlimited is what makes him so great! [and no god dosnt "lift" anything by an earthquake, he isnt limited to our physical terms and limitations].
    if i didnt answer please tell me mayb i didnt understand or i need 2 learn more and ill try 2 find something.

  • At 11:34 PM, Blogger CET said…

    Well to Kelly's question- obviously we don't physically see with our eyes the things that G-d does but e/t that happens in this world is done by G-d, though we may not physically see him do it!
    And 'justadot' i like thing you wrote (as i said previously) though i don't quite understand it- it just sounds phylisophical and sounds like there is s/t more to it. I guess we realy can't understand though i'd love to understand it to the best of my ability.

  • At 11:41 PM, Blogger CET said…

    Schecht- true- obvioulsy we cannot understand it, there are so many things in the world that seem that they are not understandable but i think it is our job to try and understand it as much as we could. And you know what as we go on in life- I've seen this in my life a number of times- there were things that i gave up on trying to find answers to b/c it seemed like there were none- but as time goes on and we grow older and learn more and experience things in life the answers become more apparent. So though it seems like there is no answer I think it is our job to search for an answer- though it may not be 100% clear at least we did our job to try and find an answer to the best of our human understanding.

  • At 12:25 AM, Blogger CET said…

    Yeh that's forsure- though sometimes it doesn't work all that well!


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