Happily Ever After

Beis Rivkah Graduates of 2004

Friday, September 15, 2006

Lack of text.... :(

I say this with complete sadness and greif.
Unfortunately for those of you who check your calanders you will realize that todays date is sniff sniff September 15th. If you look back to a few posts ago, there was the letter which i recieved from cingular which says what the 15th of September means to me.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all what i normally would be wishing you all via text messages but.....
Hope you all have a happy rosh hashana, ez fast on yom kippur hope ya'll forgive me for all i've done, fun sukkot, happy chanukah, purim and pesach, great shavuot.
Happy thanksgiving, mothers and fathers day. Mazel tov on your engagements, weddings and the birth of your first, second, and third child, congratulations on the first birthday of your son and the 2nd birthday of your daughter. So nice to see you at your son's first hair cutting event.
Happy birthday and many more happy ones, congratulations and good luck at your new job, nice seeing you you looked great!
Ahh this is so depressing!
May we all together bow our heads in unison and mourn the loss of what was such a wonderful time. May we only hear good news from now and forever more! May we join together and recite Amen. Tears shall only come unto our eyes in the future as tears of joy and never for such events as this one.


  • At 8:52 PM, Blogger Miriam said…

    i'm sorry it has to end like this. i really enjoyed your good shabbos texts.....

  • At 9:45 PM, Blogger CET said…

    Racheli it's not a joke this may be a cute post but this is serious... very very serious.

  • At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    lol.i thought it stopped months ago. i was wondering why i was still getting those text :( so sad

  • At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    u are seriously positivelye absolutely kalafragiliscly nutttzz!!!
    hashem yerachem
    nu nu, jst keep on fighting terrorism...lol
    luv ya and miss ya
    twas great to c ya


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