Happily Ever After

Beis Rivkah Graduates of 2004

Friday, August 25, 2006

Dina's Wedding


  • At 2:39 AM, Blogger CET said…

    Dina looks beautiful. Wish i could've been there!

  • At 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow!! thanx so much for sharing the picture! i wish i could've been there? just trying to understand...where was the merry-go-round? guys..someone give a little rundown...i wana hear how the wedding was

  • At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    spelled DEENA

  • At 5:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    actually spelled Dena

  • At 5:56 AM, Blogger CET said…

    Deena or Dena or Dina?
    I know how it is i don't either like when ppl spell my name wrong!

  • At 5:56 AM, Blogger CET said…

    And is chanalula chanie n or chanale c? or neither of the above?
    And yeh what's up with the horses were those at the wedding? :)

  • At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you guys are so funny. its DEENA. And how do I know? Because I am deena. Thanks everyone so much for coming to the wedding and making it as beautiful as it was!

  • At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow! stunning!! so small, though! want to see everyone's stunning faces. and the merry go round?

  • At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi mrs. k!

  • At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    no way!! Mrs. K...nuts is nuts! this is chana'le c...for the curious ones! Deena...whatzup? where are you guys now?
    i feel so left out here in israel - ihave to hear the news

  • At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Deena!! Mazel Tov, your wedding was so much fun. May you only have happiness!

  • At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    masel tov dene k
    u looked beautiful
    rochel d

  • At 1:38 AM, Blogger CET said…

    Hey Mrs. K! Welcome welcome to the blog. Sorry i couldn't make it to the wedding but from the pix i can easily tell how beautifuly you looked. Mazel Tov.
    and chanale whatcha doing in israel? Post some pix!

  • At 10:56 PM, Blogger CET said…

    Thanx for the clarification- b/c i was thinking of having horses at my wedding but wasnt' sure if it was a good idea then when i saw these pix i was like hey.. s/o else did it b/4 me, so i was excited to do it too so ppl. wouldn't think it was strange or a/t.
    It's my pleasure to help out those in need! Glad to see you figured it out

  • At 2:27 PM, Blogger toby said…

    mazal tov deena! u look beautiful:)

  • At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    we want pics of the guys

  • At 2:04 AM, Blogger CET said…

    Excuse me but last time i checked we went to an all girls school- being that this blog is for the friends in our grade it would be unnecasary to post pictures of the opposite gender, but thanks for the kind advice we always appreciate input!


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