Happily Ever After

Beis Rivkah Graduates of 2004

Thursday, July 27, 2006

To our classmate and friend Rochel

We are sorry and we're here with you.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Meet Chuck and Linda. This past Tuesday, Chanie Gross met up with her grandfather's first cousin for the very first time. The emotional reunion took place in the grand location of Ukiah, California. Never heard of it? Neither had we. The experience qualified as Merkas Shlichus, and we enjoyed igniting the jewish flame in Ukiah immensely.

Good Shabbos, Chanie and Ellie (and Rochel D.)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Friday, July 07, 2006

We talked as Girls do -
Fond, and late-
We speculated fair, on every subject, but the
Of ours, none affair

We handled Destinies, as cool-
As we- Disposers - be -
And God, a Quiet Party
To our Authority -

But fondest, dwelt upon Ourself
As we eventual - be -
When Girl to Women, softly raised
We - occupy - Degree-

We parted with a contract
To cherish, and to write
But Heaven made both, impossible
Before another night.

-Emily Dickinson

Thursday, July 06, 2006

In the spirit of Stick People

Stick Figures

Letting go of perfect

There is something about the middle of the night. What is it? What is it about the darkness surrounding our sleeping homes while everyone sleeps soundly in their beds? What is it about the peace, tranquility and quietness. The middle of the night is for the type of people who like to get things done- it is a time when you know you can sit relaxed and calm after a long busy day. Look out the window- it's dark, it's black- all except for the glistening stars and shining moonlight.
Soon enough, while trying to finish up today, trying to make today a 'just perfect' day- it will be a new day and you'll be trying to make the new day just right.
It's in middle of the night, your body need its sleep and you're up. Stop for a moment and think, think about what you wanted when you were younger, when were a child. Think of what you dreamt of for yourself. That one dream you've always had. The dream that was so hard to hold onto because dreams are so intangible.
And now suddenly you landed here, in the midst of this big busy world, and you work each day to keep up with everything. And you're doing a great job at it.
It doesn't require us to just be ourselves, it also requires the shaping of others. We don't only work on ourselves we have to help out others as well. That's a hard job and we try to be perfect at it. Now stop again and re-think about when you were younger. You weren't so caught up in trying to be perfect. You were a child who was interested in exploring the world around you- like all children. You sang with the music, and danced in the rain. You were your own person and had your own way of doing the things you wanted to get done. Being who you are is not easy. We all need someone, every once in a while to tell us what an amazing job we are doing- just being who we are.
As you get older, finish school and star to work you become part of a gigantic community of people who all wanted to be perfect and what they were doing.
And when you start watching others you start to feel like you have to keep up and at times it seems effortless… only it's not.
Nothing meaningful or amazing comes out of imitations. What's really hard and really great is giving up on being perfect.
The middle of the night brings clarity. I can sit for hours with my head on my pillow staring into the darkness thinking of all I've done today. Thinking of how to make tomorrow amazing. Thinking of doing something tomorrow that I should've done today. Thinking of what to do to make me a better me. But mostly thinking about the things and people I love, everyone needs love. Love that you give to others is amazing. And love is the only thing that truly is perfect.
All you gotta do is double click on the date and fill in the info.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Duracell Ad

Just a little kick for your day ;-)

Monday, July 03, 2006

July 4th


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hey everyone.
I just want to remind everyone that there is a CALENDAR in the links section that we can all change by pressing on the Date number and entering or editing different events.
If anyone else wants to join this wonderful blog please write your e-mail adress in a comment and one of us will send you an invite.
The more the better.
It's great to keep in touch.

From our Master, King Moshiach

"The rebellion in young people is not a crime. On the contrary: It is the fire of the soul that refuses to conform, that is dissatisfied with the status quo, that cries out that it wants to change the world and is frustrated with not knowing how."


"A child's character education should take priority over his academic education. All educational efforts are basically meaningless unless built on the solid foundation of a good character."

i say its a good thing the Rebbe approves of rebellion because we sure got a lot of that in our character... and its an even better thing our academic education is not priority 'cuz im not sure BRHS thought so either!